Winery : The winery is situated in the village of La Horra (Burgos). It has four large rooms with the best facilities from which they make great wine.
To continue the natural process that was started on the vine, the García Figuero winery was planned and built as a space to create great wines.
The architectural project is the work of Esther Regidor. Due to her direct relationship with La Horra, Regidor became the perfect person for this project as she was well aware of the need to blend together architecture with the vine and the different processes of winemaking. As a result, we have an efficient, traditional yet modern, bioclimatic winery. By sitting on a gentle slope, the winery uses gravity in the winemaking process. We have taken advantage of the best orientation and the water-table level to naturally obtain the perfect temperature, humidity and ventilation conditions essential for winemaking.
The building is made up of simple areas, architecturally straight and pure, which enter and emerge from the ground and are composed of traditional materials
(natural stone and wood) to capture the full potential of the entire building coming out of the earth. Glass was added to create a visual union with the surroundings.
The interior is sectioned off into different function areas — circular in aspect and on the same level to enable easy flow of movement. The ageing room and bottling area are in a rectangular area built into the ground with 10 metre pillars to support them.
The transit area outside is a block covered in untreated local stone which emerges from the land and is out-of-view of the areas used for reception and transport.
This space, fully glazed and diaphanous, allows a visual relationship with the environment and the internal communication through the building´s three levels.
Crowning the working areas, which are submerged in the earth, is the prism which houses the wine tasting room. It features a huge window, allowing visitors to view the surrounding vineyards when they enter the building.